Workshop and Sales - Sustainable Urban Transport for Cardiff
eCargo Bike + Trailer Hire
If you are a business, community group or family in Cardiff that has things to do or stuff to deliver, and you are wondering about how to do this sustainably, then look no further! If you want to save money - even better news!
Cardiff Cargo Bikes has partnered with FOR Cardiff to provide a range of options to suit your needs, and open your eyes to the possibilities afforded by eCargo bikes.
Book your rental now!
Email to find out about availability.
FOR Cardiff members are even more lucky! The opportunity to bring a Carla Cargo Trailer to Cardiff would now have happened without the support of FOR Cardiff. As a thank-you, FOR Cardiff members can access discounted hire rates.
Carla Cargo Trailer
Cardiff Cargo Bikes has partnered with FOR Cardiff to bring this Carla Cargo Trailer to Cardiff - the first of it's kind in the city. With a payload of 200kg, and 1,150L of space to work with you can do some serious shifting! And if you're moving quickly, the over-run brakes mean you will stop quickly if needed. Serious kit! A week's hire is £70. FOR Cardiff Members Discount: £50 per week.
C-C-C-COMBO Rental
Trailer + Veloe Multi
£120 per week
FOR Cardiff Discount rate - £100 per week
The Veloe Multi, pictured below, is a workhorse bike, capable of carrying 200kg (including the rider), or in this case, towing an enormous trailer!